The death of a family member is never an easy moment to bear in life. No matter your relation to the deceased, this difficult moment can be life-defining and have negative repercussions for years to come. Oftentimes it is accompanied by pain, confusion, and frustration regarding the loss of life. When that loss of life is due to the negligence, recklessness, or actions of another, it can be even more difficult to bear as the death was likely preventable. In addition to the emotional pain and anguish caused by this wrongful death, there may be a severe financial hardship due to loss of immediate and future income. For many, this can be a nightmare of epic proportions come to life which can lead to feelings of hopelessness or worse.
Only working with an experienced Wisconsin wrongful death lawyer can you work to recover any amount of money due to you.
How long do I have to file a wrongful death claim under Wisconsin’s statute of limitations?
Under Wisconsin’s statute of limitations, a victim’s family usually has three years to file a wrongful death suit arising from the occurrence of the incident that caused the wrongful death. However, if the wrongful death occurred in an automobile accident then the law may only recognize a two-year limit from when the accident occurred depending on the date of the accident.
Utilizing the services of our firm, you will be able to quickly and accurately ascertain whether your claim has any statute of limitations issues relating to wrongful death and the manner of death. Additionally, our attorneys will be able to evaluate the strength of your case and gather any relevant evidence in support of your case.
Are all wrongful death dates fixed and set in stone or do litigants contest the date?
Some dates, such as death as a result of a freak accident that same moment are unlikely to be contested by others especially if it is recorded by medical or emergency personnel given that it is a government record created by a third party. However, there are other dates, such as death as a result of an automobile accident with a longer period of convalescence in the hospital, which may be subject to some debate. If there is a time difference when it comes to whether the filing is within the period the statute of limitations allows, the defendant’s attorney may attempt to argue the earlier date is when the legal clock should have started thus potentially barring any recovery.
Given that this is not an uncommon experience for those seeking to recover damages for wrongful death, you should engage a qualified and experienced lawyer immediately to ensure your rights are preserved and protected when making a wrongful death claim in Wisconsin. Our lawyers are experienced in making the necessary legal arguments to help ensure your claim survives the legal onslaught of even the most experienced defendant.
What can a wrongful death attorney do for me when my claim runs into a statute of limitations issues?
Don’t wait and let your claim be time-barred and prohibit you from recovery for the wrongful, preventable death of your loved one. A Milwaukee wrongful death attorney who is experienced in fighting statute of limitations issues can quickly work to preserve your claim and ensure it gets a fair hearing. Our team of experienced lawyers has the legal knowledge and expertise to fight for you no matter the circumstances of your claim. Contact us at (414) 455-6981 to get your free case evaluation today.