It’s something that it’s a shame it’s not taken more advantage of because it’s just money that should be going to people who deserve it because we have some people who have your GBS or Guillain-Barre syndrome who their body shuts down and they don’t know why. And if they got the certain vaccine, it’s a direct correlation between the vaccine and GBS.
And when you recover from GBS, if you do, and when you do, it would be much easier to get through life with, you know, money to help you recover and pay for all your bills than to just suffer there in silence. So, it, it’s a matter of educating and that’s why I like these podcasts because I can educate the public hopefully that this thing exists.
You educate the public and me. I didn’t know it existed until today. Today is the day I learned about him. That’s, yeah, I didn’t know. That’s very interesting. Do you find those cases to be more, what’s the right word?