Adapting to Change: The Impact of Evolving Laws on Future Generations”

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What law means to me and how it’s going to affect future generations of lawyers. It’s ever changing. I can tell you we’ve had podcasts, we’ve had videos about, self driving vehicles and things like that. Certainly that was not anything that was real back in 2000 when I graduated from law school. That was something from maybe a Michael J. Fox Back to the Future kind of movie, but not something that I thought would happen. Within a couple decades, so it’s ever changing, but the good thing about the law is that it’s somewhat consistent. There’s all kinds of changes with, you know, the legislature, the Supreme Court and such, but when it comes down to day to day, we know what the rules are, and people can come to us to help us enforce those rules and have some, law and order, you know, have some order in our society or order in someone’s life that we can help them figure out, what to make of all this chaos, because we know when it comes down to the law, what the law says somebody else must do.

That’s what I like about the law is really creating that order, creating that, a little bit of stresslessness because we know what has to be done, and that’s what I think is the best part about the law.


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♬ Beautiful Day – Sundarsono

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